VR360 Video Configuration

Here is a list of the configuration options:

Property Description Default
forcevr Force VR headsets support for desktop browsers or else the feature will only be enabled for mobile devices for now. false
polyfill Optional. Enable the WebXR polyfill to provide Cardboard mode support for non WebVR enabled browsers. This will be loaded on demand within the same path as the script within a "resource" directory. false
fov The field of view setting. This sets how far or close the camera needs to be for the video. 90
camerafront The camera starts at the "front" of the video, this can be set to be flipped around to start initially from the back. false
projection Support for different video projection types.
360_MONO: Standard equirectangular 360 videos.
180_LR: Left Right Stereo 180 degrees videos
360_TB: Top and Bottom Stereo 360 degrees videos
360_CUBE: 360 Cubemap videos. Converted from equirectangular videos.
2D: 2D VR Cinema projection in VR mode 360_MONO
mouseDamping The sensitivity of the mouse controls. A value between 0.05 and 1. 0.25
keyDamping The sensitivity of the key controls. A lower value means more smoother. 0.10
keys The key character codes used for the keyboard rotation controls. The arrow keys are taken over for Flowplayer's seeking controls. { left: 65, up: 87, right: 68, bottom: 88 }
pointerlock Enable mouse pointer lock toggle controls. false
antialias Add anti aliasing to the rendering. false
ambisonicOrder The ambisonics order of the Ambisonics audio track. Either 1, 2 or 3. 1
channelMap The channel mapping for Ambisonics audio channel ordering. If ACN ordering is not used byt FuMa use [0,3,1,2] [0,1,2,3]
postGain Add post gain to the Ambisonics decoding and rotation gains. Only required if the loudness of the audio is not accurate. 1
previewVrPresentation enable preview of WebVR stereo display while presenting to a headset. Or else a splash status will be displayed. true
enablePip Enale picture in picture toggling for VR rendering. true

Browser Support

OS Browser Description
OSX Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari. macOS have the CORS bugs fixed. CORS problems might still be an issue with Mpeg Dash streams in Safari.
Windows Google Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Chrome Edge
WebXR/WebVR Enabled browsers Chrome WebXR supported, Firefox WebVR supported with WebXR polyfill, Microsoft Edge for Windows Mixed Reality. Windows Mixed Reality
IOS Safari with CORS proxy for IO9 and 10. IOS 11 and above. WebView Cordova apps. IOS 10 and below requires a CORS proxy. IOS 11 and above has the provided CORS fixes. IOS 11.3 and above has the HLS fixes. IOS 12 possibly has HLS rendering issues again requiring a color flip.
Android Chrome, Samsung Internet, Chrome Dev, Firefox, Occulus Carmel. WebView Cordova apps. Android fully supports WebXR and new orientation sensor apis.

CORS Rules Requirements

For this feature to work successfully the video hosting server requires Cross Origin Resource Sharing rules to be enabled in the headers of the request.

This is required to enable WebGL rendering of cross origin video content in browsers that support it.

WebXR Support

Cardboard Mode Support For Non-WebXR Browsers

Cardboard mode support has been externalised and made optional via the use of WebXR polyfill. The library will be loaded on demand where required.

To configure non-webvr cardboard support set the polyfill config.

Samsung Gear VR Internet Support

Once Occulus Software is setup. Loading a webbrowser in Gear VR, loading a video and then launching to VR headset will display the video in VR. Occulus Setup.

WebVR For Windows Chrome and Firefox

Desktop based WebVR is now supported in Windows Chrome and Firefox.

Support for OSX has been pulled for now until there is runtime support for OSX which Oculus also removed. OSX not being gaming specific the Oculus Rift is prioritisng Windows development.

Steps to setup WebVR for Desktop: