Virtual Background with Screensharing

Bodypix GPU accelerated virtual background with virtual screenshare

Video Resolution (ideal)
Video Framerate (ideal)
Audio/Video Inputs
Video Input Source
Audio Input Source
Audio Output Source

This example demonstrates dynamic virtual background removal using Bodypix and Tensorflow AI with screenshare switching. When switching to screenshare the screenshare video will be rendered as a GPU background texture, the video will be rendered in the foreground resized.

Configuring a background image for the video stream is possible by setting the player poster image.

.video-js {
    background-color: #000000 !important;
    background-image: url(../../images/virtualbg.jpg) !important;
    background-repeat: 'no-repeat !important';
    background-position: 'center center !important';
    <div class="flex w-full h-auto my-auto">
      <video class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-fluid virtual" crossorigin="anonymous" controls="" id="virtual-screen-background"></video>
  <script type="text/javascript">
  	var player = videojs("virtual-screen-background", {
    "plugins": {
        "peakmeter": {},
        "rtcpublisher": {
            "applicationName": "webrtc",
            "autoStartDevice": true,
            "publishToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ3ZWJydGMiLCJpYXQiOjE2MzczMzAyNTksImV4cCI6MTY2ODg2NjI1OSwiYXVkIjoid3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwic3ViIjoianJvY2tldEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsInN0cmVhbU5hbWUiOiJDNkx4Nmt1NkZFWGdLdHQifQ.4_38rdgyqWabGvoV6WZREjrqevVeGIgCKK7xOknwGx4",
            "publisher": true,
            "server": "wowza",
            "serverURL": "",
            "toggleScreen": true,
            "userData": {
                "param1": "value1"
        "virtualbackground": {
            "enable": true
    "poster": "../../images/virtualbg.jpg",
    "sources": [
            "src": "myStream",
            "type": "application/webrtc"

      player.on("devices", (event, devicesMap, deviceInfos) => {
//get available devices here for building your own UI
console.log("devices", devicesMap, deviceInfos);
player.on("mediastart", (e, info, deviceInfo, videoConstraints, capabilities) => {
//console.log("mediastart111", deviceInfo);
//selected device has been activated
console.log("Device Start ", info.deviceInfo);
console.log("Updated Device Info ", info.newDeviceInfo);
console.log("Video Constraints ", info.videoConstraints);
console.log("Capabilities ", info.capabilities);
player.on("mediastop", (e) => {
console.log("Device Stop");
player.on("startpublish", (e, supportsParams) => {
console.log("Publishing Started");
//use this for enabling / disabling bandwidth select menus while publishing
//browsers that don"t support it cannot update bitrate controls while publishing
console.log("Browser Supports peer setParameters ", supportsParams);
player.on("stoppublish", (e) => {
console.log("Publishing Stopped");
player.on("recordstart", (e) => {
console.log("Recording Started");
player.on("recordstop", (e) => {
console.log("Recording Stopped");
player.on("sendmessage", (e, message) => {
console.log("Signal Server Send Message: ", message);
player.on("gotmessage", (e, message) => {
console.log("Signal Server Receive Message: ", message);
player.on("offer", (e, offer) => {
console.log("WebRTC Offer ", offer.sdp);
player.on("answer", (e, answer) => {
console.log("WebRTC Answer ", answer.sdp);
player.on("bitratechanged", (e, params) => {
console.log("WebRTC Bitrate Changed ", params);
player.on("outputsuccess", (e, sinkId) => {
console.log("Success, audio output device attached:" + sinkId);
player.on("outputerror", (e, message) => {
player.on("rtcerror", (e, error) => {
console.log("WebRTC Error: ", error.message,;